Summerart in Nieuwkoop

Only one week, I am exhibiting with Maria van ‘t Hullenaar during Summer Art at the Reghthuys in Nieuwkoop. Maria works with clay, porcelain and paper. In her work, the technical aspects and compositions are important, but the material can choose its own way.

I really enjoy exhibiting with such a versatile artist. The exhibition can be visited from Tuesday 22 to Sunday 27 August at ‘t Reghthuys in Nieuwkoop.

Adress and openinghours

Reghthuysplein 1, Nieuwkoop

tuesday 12.00-17.00

wednesday 12.00-17.00

thursday 12.00-17.00

friday 12.00-17.00

saturday 10.00-17.00

sunday 12.00-17.00


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